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澳大利亚新南威尔士大学Robert Taylor博士来我校机械与动力工程学院交流合作
阅读次数:     发布时间:2014-10-27

受我校机械与动力工程学院“热科学与工程实验室”团队朱跃钊教授邀请,新南威尔士大学Robert Taylor博士来我院访问,在太阳能热利用等可再生能源研发领域进行技术交流。校党委副书记朱跃钊教授代表团队就研究生联合培养、科研项目和科研平台的合作等三个方面交换了意见。Robert Taylor博士于10月14日下午在机械E楼四楼报告厅作了题为“The Next Generation of Micro-Urban Solar Integrated Concentrators (MUSIC)”的学术报告。15日上午在“热科学与工程实验室”作了题为“Design and Analysis of a Rooftop Solar Furnace”的报告,并与团队教师和研究生展开了讨论。

Robert Taylor博士在学院所作报告中深入浅出地讲解了当今全球能源消耗的形势,其团队致力于太阳能聚光光伏/光热集热器以及高效纳米流体传热技术的研发与开发,相关技术可有效提高太阳能利用效率,并降低成本。报告内容拓宽了同学们的研究思路和学术视野。



附:Robert Taylor博士简介:

Dr Robert Taylor is a Lecturer in the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, as well as in the School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering, University of New South Wales. His main research interests focus on heat transfer, solar engineering, biomass and nanofluids. The main goal is to provide a more efficient or more economic coupling between solar energy and useful thermal and/or electrical energy. He has published two scientific books and more than 70 papers in the journal of Applied Energy, Journal of Applied Physics, and Journal of Nanoparticle Reasearch, etc. His research has been funded by the NASA institute.

Robert Taylor博士与“热科学与工程实验室”师生讨论





Robert Taylor博士作报告
