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卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院Norbert Burkardt教授莅临机械学院讲学参观
阅读次数:     发布时间:2015-10-22

10月15日下午,来自于德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(KIT)产品工程研究所(IPEK)的Norbert Burkardt教授应邀在机械E楼学术报告厅做了题为“Lightweight Design and Optimization in Vehicles”的学术讲座。我校机械学院研究生以及相关老师参加此次报告会。

Norbert Burkardt教授所在的产品工程研究所是一个集科学研究、产品开发和学生培养于一体的研究机构,该研究所在机械产品研发方面具有领先地位。在报告会中, Norbert Burkard教授首先介绍了IPEK在德国的地理位置以及现在的发展情况。着重从驱动系统、设计方法和管理模式三个方面讲解,介绍了产品轻量化设计和优化的方法及理念,对德国工业发展的重要意义以及其所在团队取得的研究成果。除此以外Norbert Burkard教授还专注于专业技能培训教育研究,为我院的人才培养提供了宝贵的参考经验。

报告会最后,Norbert Burkard教授与学生做了互动交流,他勉励在座学生要做对的事而不仅是做对事,大家听后感觉受益匪浅。随后, Norbert Burkard教授参观了车辆与工程机械研究所。

附:Norbert Burkardt简历

Prof. Norbert Burkardt is the vice director of the IPEK – Institute of Product Engineering at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany. His research interests focus on the drive systems, design-methods and -management as well as mechatronics. In his institute, the product development has been divided into its systems, methods and processes. All three areas are worked on by his team in research and teaching in order to satisfy the complexity of today’s product development. Round about 100 scientists are currently researching at the IPEK with a range from fundamental research to applied science in cooperation with industry. Besides, he is also well involved in teaching, in particular by restructuring the content of teaching and by applying new teaching methods which especially aim at teaching professional skills.