2019年01月-2020年01月,University of Strathclyde,机械与航空工程,国家公派联合培养。
2.ASME PVP2018国际会议优秀论文
目前发表学术论文60余篇,其中以第一作者/通讯作者身份在Materials Science & Engineering A、International Journal of Fatigue、Engineering Fracture Mechanics、Materials Characterization、European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids等国内外权威期刊发表SCI论文30余篇,授权/申请国家发明专利4项。任SCI期刊Crystals“Fatigue-Challenge of Structural Integrity”客座编辑,国家自然科学基金通讯评审人,Additive Manufacturing、Reliability engineering & systems safety、Materials Science & Engineering A、International Journal of Fatigue、Engineering Fracture Mechanics、International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping、Engineering Failure Analysis等多个国际期刊审稿人,具有压力容器分析设计(SAD)证。指导研究生获南京工业大学优秀硕士论文。
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3-dkH9YAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN
1)Wei Zhang*, Peng Yin, Weijie Chen, Qiaofa Yang, Fei Liang, Bumei Wang, Le Chang, Changyu Zhou. A comprehensive investigation on thermomechanical fatigue failure mechanism and remaining properties of 316L stainless steel. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2025, 169: 109193.
2)Fei Liang,Wei Zhang*, Qiaofa Yang, Peng Yin, Qixuan Zhang, Tianhao Ma, Le Chang, Changyu Zhou.Multiaxial low cycle fatigue behavior and constitutive model of 316L under various loading paths at high-temperature[J]. International Journal of Fatigue, 2025, 191: 108708.
3)Qiaofa Yang,Wei Zhang*, Peng Niu, Xinghui Chen, Peng Yin, Le Chang, Changyu Zhou. A damage-coupled unified constitutive modelling for predicting the deformation behaviour of 316L under isothermal fatigue and thermo-mechanical fatigue loading conditions. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 2025, 111: 105529.
4)Peng Yin,Wei Zhang*, Qiaofa Yang, Xinghui Chen, Fei Liang, Le Chang, Changyu Zhou. Insight into the role of thermal on the thermomechanical fatigue properties and microstructural damage mechanism of 316L stainless steel[J]. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2024, 900: 146382.
5)Fei Liang,Wei Zhang*, Xuanming Zhang, Xinghui Chen, Qiaofa Yang, Peng Yin, Changyu Zhou. The strain ratio-dependent multiaxial low cycle fatigue behaviour and life prediction of 316L stainless steel based on critical plane at elevated temperature[J]. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2024, 301: 110035.
6)Qiaofa Yang,Wei Zhang*, Peng Yin, Bumei Wang, Le Chang, Changyu Zhou.Deformation and microregion fracture mechanisms in type 316L welded joint under isothermal and thermo-mechanical fatigue loadings[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 916: 147338.
7)Wei Zhang*, Xuanming Zhang, Kaihao Zhang, Fei Liang, Xianxi Xia, Le Chang, Changyu Zhou. Multiaxial non-proportional fatigue behaviour and microstructural deformation mechanisms of 9% Cr steel at elevated temperature[J]. Materials Characterization, 2023, 203: 113158.
8)Qiaofa Yang,Wei Zhang*, Yanjun Guo, Fei Liang, Peng Yin, Le Chang, Changyu Zhou*. A universal constitutive model considering strain range dependence effect and transient behaviour for both cyclic softening and hardening steels[J]. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2023, 290: 109481.
9)Fei Liang,Wei Zhang*, Furen Chen, Peng Yin, Qiaofa Yang, Le Chang, Changyu Zhou*. Experimental and constitutive modelling studies of type 316L stainless steel based on internal stress under low cycle fatigue and creep-fatigue interaction[J].International Journal of Fatigue, 2023, 175: 107835.
10)Wei Zhang, Xiaowei Wang*, Tianyu Zhang, Zitong Kang, Yong Jiang, Xiancheng Zhang, Jianming Gong, Shantun Tu. Insight into the creep-fatigue interaction and remaining creep damage mechanisms in different micro-regions of 9% Cr steel welded joints[J]. Materials Characterization, 2022, 185: 111777.
11)Peng Yin,Wei Zhang*, Qiaofa Yang, Fei Liang, Guodong Zhang, Xianxi Xia, Yanfen Zhao, Changyu Zhou*. Dynamic strain aging and microstructural damage mechanism of austenitic stainless steel under thermomechanical fatigue in the temperature range of 250–400 °C[J]. International Journal of Fatigue, 2022, 163: 107111.
12)Ning Gao,Wei Zhang*, Peng Yin, Fei Liang, Guodong Zhang, Xianxi Xia, Yanfen Zhao, Changyu Zhou*. Multiaxial fatigue behaviour and damage mechanisms of P92 steel under various strain amplitudes and strain ratios at high temperature[J]. International Journal of Fatigue, 2022, 158: 106774.
13)Wei Zhang, Xiaowei Wang*, Tianyu Zhang, Zitong Kang, Yong Jiang, Xiancheng Zhang, Jianming Gong. Damage behaviour in different micro-regions of P92 steel weldment under sequential low cycle fatigue and creep loading[J]. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2021, 254: 107935.
14)Peng Yin,Wei Zhang*, Shen Guo, Jianbin Wen, Guodong Zhang*, Fei Xue, Yanfen Zhao, Changyu Zhou. Thermomechanical fatigue behaviour and damage mechanisms in a 9% Cr steel: Effect of strain rate[J]. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2021, 815: 141308.
15)Shen Guo,Wei Zhang*, Peng Yin, Tianhao Ma, Jianbin Wen, Guodong Zhang, Fei Xue, Yanfen Zhao, Changyu Zhou*. Cyclic deformation behavior and life prediction of P92 steel welded joints under thermomechanical fatigue loadings[J]. International Journal of Fatigue, 2021, 147: 106183.
1)张威,陈星慧,唐健,尹鹏,周昌玉.一种U形缺口结构的裂纹尖端J积分计算方法, 2025-02-11,中国, ZL 202410603149.2.
2)张威,张轩铭,梁飞,马天昊,周昌玉.基于内应力塑性应变能的多轴蠕变-疲劳损伤评价方法, 2024-10-23,中国, CN 202411481549 .7
3)张威,杨桥发,梁飞,尹鹏,周昌玉.基于改进粒子群算法的热粘塑性本构模型参数识别方法, 2024-08-28,中国, ZL 202410347231.3.
4)张威,张毅,尹鹏,周昌玉.一种热机疲劳剩余循环寿命全数值预测方法与系统, 2024-07-02,中国, ZL 202410141569.3.